Greetings Creators!
A few months ago we introduced the idea of LIV profiles - a way of connecting your social media accounts to LIV. While we still have a long way to go, we’re starting to add some features to it that you might be interested in - starting with video uploads!
To get started, head over to https://profile.liv.tv/. Login if you already have a LIV account, or create one by linking any of the listed social media accounts!

Note: If you want to remove the LIV watermark that appears on the compositor, you’ll want to create a LIV account!
If you click on ‘submit videos’ up at the top, videos that you’ve uploaded to your various social media accounts will appear in the dashboard.

From here, you can select up to 5 videos using LIV a month from your various accounts for a chance to appear directly in front of the game’s developers through their dashboard! Note that we do curate the videos to make sure they do actually contain mixed reality or LIV avatar content, and that they respect the terms of service for each social platform.
If you’d like to check out all the approved LIV videos to see what others are creating, peruse our discover page for some inspiration!
If you’re curious as to what developers see, we’ve created a blog post covering that as well.
We look forward to seeing all of the LIV content you create!